Templates for the site
Selecting a template for the look and feel of the site:
Each CMS has the possibility of 'theming', or applying templates to a site. This will dramatically change the look and feel of the site. We advise you to browse to some of the recommended sites, below, for themes/templates for your chosen CMS (or CMSs, if you chose to have multiple CMSs).
Customized Templates:
We have a great deal of experience of working with our clients, to create a fully customised template for a site, whether it is plain html or built with a CMS, such as Joomla! (preferred for most sites), Drupal (used by large commercial companies), Wordpress or Blogger (for simple blogging sites), using a licensed program called
Artisteer. The process will take about 2 hours and the result will be precisely as dreamt about, with few limitations. If a feature or effect, font or colour is possible, we can arrange it (within a few limitations). We can also offer advice as to design choices.
Standardized Templates:
There are an enormous number of sites featuring standardized templates for Joomla, both free and at a cost. Examples are:
ThemesBase - Joomla Templates
Joomla Themes (UK)
For a library of over four thousand extensions (templates, components, modules and plug-ins) for Joomla, please check out the Joomla page at: Joomla Extensions